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Japan is one of the most favorite travel destination for Hongkongers that we describe trips to Japan as "return to homeland". Japan has everything we need but we Hongkongers always experience the lack of stomach space for great food, lack of sleep for wonderful experience from day till night, and lack of cash for shopping.
DonkiFX helps customers to solve the last problem by offering competitive exchange rate, and with our experience from numerous sightseeing trips to Japan, we will share tips on FB/IG on how to get the most out of each trip.
Apart from Japan, we also provide foreign currencies exchange for a number of popular destinations, buying leftover coins accumulated in trips, as well as selling travel data SIM cards and transport IC cards.

About DonkiFX

As frequent visitors to Japan with dozens of "Landing Permission" stickers in passport, no matter how remote we go, Cantonese could still be heard, this proves how popular Japan is to Hongkongers. The idea of establishing a foreign exchange shop that specializes in self-guiding tour, focusing Japan in particular, came to mind, hoping to become a one-stop shop meeting the needs of fellow Japan lovers.

Just like every startup business, we were no exception to experience numerous challenges during our startup process. But in 2019, our home, Hong Kong, has gone through a particular turbulent time. Things that we have used to enjoy, such as family harmony, social stability, rule of law, prosperity, turns out to be very fragile and should not be taken for granted. We have also learnt that intangible things are more important and valuable, but in the eyes of some, they will never understand why others would defend with their fullest effort on things that are intangible.

We understand being able to travel is a blessing. To explore new places, "free time", "healthy soul and mind", "adventure spirit", "sound financial situation", "walk the talk" are all required. And those who love travelling would understand, travelling experience is one of the precious treasures in life.

Our shop logo - "Daruma", is often shown as a roly-poly doll that gets up no matter how many times it falls, and hence a symbol of encouragement. The Japanese tradition is to dot the left eye of Daruma when making a wish, and then dot the right eye a year later or when the wish comes true. We hope that both our shop and Hong Kong will, like "Daruma", get up after series of challenges.

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